Why Do We Wear Rings? | Engagement Rings | Mother's Rings

Why Do We Wear Rings? | Engagement Rings | Mother's Rings

Posted by Lita Sea Glass Jewelry on 8th Aug 2023

Lita Sea Glass Jewelry Sea Glass Engagement Rings

Wearing rings has been a tradition that transcends cultures and societies for a long time. The meaning behind it may vary based on preferences and culture.

  • Symbolism: Rings are often used as symbols to represent various aspects of life, such as commitment, love, and marriage. Engagement rings, for example, is given to a partner to propose for future marriage. On the other hand, wedding rings, are exchanged during marriage ceremonies to signify the eternal bond between partners.
  • Status and Social Significance: In some societies, wearing specific rings may indicate one's social status, wealth, or achievements. Signet rings, for instance, were historically used as a mark of authority or family heritage.
  • Fashion and Self-Expression: Like necklaces, earrings, and other types of jewelry, rings are also worn as fashion accessories to enhance personal style and express individuality. They can complement an outfit or make a statement about the wearer's tastes and preferences.
  • Commemoration and Remembrance: Rings are sometimes worn as keepsakes to remember significant events, loved ones, or special milestones in life.

Sea Glass Engagement Rings 

Lita Sea Glass Jewelry Sea Glass Engagement Rings

Through time, wearing rings has become more diverse, with various styles and materials available for different occasions and personal preferences. 

For someone with a deep connection to the sea, alternative rings such as our sea glass engagement rings can make it even more meaningful. 

Choose from a variety of designs or work with us so we can make something entirely new! 

Made with 14k gold or platinum and authentic sea glass, this alternative style is perfect for the ocean-loving girl with a mermaid heart! 

Did you know? 

Our engagement ring styles are perfect as right hand rings too! 

Choose from our catalog of styles and choose a ring that truly speaks to you. 

If you're someone like me who loves the ocean, celebrating a momentous milestone in your life always becomes even more special with a meaningful sea glass ring - a reminder of the beauty of life as we ride the tides of time. 

Sea Glass Mother's Rings

Lita Sea Glass Jewelry Sea Glass Mother's Rings

A mother's ring is a great way to honor the your mom's greatest role in life. Hers is the kind of love that nurtures, is unconditional, and unwavering. 

If she is someone that has an unbreakable bond with the sea, our sea glass mother's rings are perfect for the ocean-loving mama. 

Our styles are custom-made with your choice of metal (14k gold, 18k gold, platinum, or sterling silver), sea glass, and gemstones to represent her family and the ones closest to her heart. 

Customized from start to finish, we will work with you to create a purposeful piece of jewelry that she will be proud to wear. For a mother's love is as timeless as the sea...

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